When I first heard they were making Scream 4, I thought that it was going to be something like Scream 3. I loathed Scream 3. What the hell was with a long lost brother neither we nor Sydney knew anything about? But as I heard more about it and the list of people in it grew, I started to become more interested. It seemed like the closest to the original.
I liked the original Scream, but I did get a little burnt out on it. I worked at the movie theater when that was out and I spent many a time hiding from work in that movie. So, while I liked the movie, I don't think of it as a movie of my youth. I think of it when I think of the job of my youth.
I'm also pretty good at separating a sequel from the original (like Crow II and S. Darko) and enjoying it for what it is without comparing.
Anyway... I liked Scream 4. Here are some reasons why:
- I liked seeing the original 3 characters after 10 years. It's like the Sweet Valley book- I want to know what happened to them.
- Emma Roberts was surprisingly good. While some of the acting wasn't that great (like the ex-boyfriend), I thought she was really good and believable through the whole thing.
- It was not, as Shenae Grimes's character says, "torture porn" like the currently popular movies like Saw. Other than one part, it wasn't even particularly gory. I don't have anything against gore if that's what I'm looking for, but I hate when movies are considered scary just because they are gross.
- It had some funny parts, like the beginning. I like a good mix in my movies, whether it's comedy and horror or comedy and action.
- While it was obviously modeled very closely after the first Scream, it had enough difference that I didn't know exactly what was going to happen. It also had enough similar that I could enjoy the references to the original story.
- I did not know who the killer was from the beginning of the movie. I spent a lot of time changing my mind and only figured it out right before it was revealed. And I was pleased with the outcome.
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